Monday, December 14, 2009

German Scholarships available for 2010

UAS7, a consortium of 7 leading German Universities of Applied Sciences, is pleased to present the innovative scholarship program SIP (Study & Internship in Germany). In cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), we grant prestigious SIP Scholarships for one academic year starting in the fall each year.

SIP is a unique opportunity for students to accelerate their personal and intellectual growth and to add invaluable academic and professional credentials to their resume. The program consists of a full academic semester at one of the UAS7 universities in Germany and a 6-month internship with a German company or research institute.

The program offers a tuition waiver and a stipend of 700 Euros per month for one academic semester. UAS7 is currently accepting applications through February 15th 2010 for the academic year of 2010-2011.

For more information please visit also the website:

Quick information:

Award Type: scholarship
Duration: One year
Date Effective: August/September of each year
Purpose: This program offers a tuition waiver and a stipend of 700 Euros per month for one academic semester in one of our accredited German Universities followed by a summer internship