Friday, August 27, 2010

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

Canada's Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships are part of a prestigious new program to attract and develop the world's best and brightest postdoctoral researchers in Canada.

The new fellowships will be valued at CAD$70,000 per year (taxable) for two years. Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens are eligible to apply. The program will be delivered by the three federal granting agencies: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). CIHR will administer the program on behalf of all three agencies. Unlike the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, candidates are not required to be nominated first by a Canadian institution and recommended by the institution to the federal granting agencies for an award.

Candidates for a Banting Fellowship must demonstrate, beyond the excellence of their research, synergy between their research program and their host institution. As such, applications must be completed in full collaboration with the host institution. The deadline for candidates to submit a complete electronic application, including referee assessments, is November 3, 2010. International applicants must hold their fellowships at a Canadian institution. Canadian applicants who completed their degree at a Canadian institution may hold their fellowship at a Canadian or foreign institution.

Information regarding federally-funded scholarships are listed on Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's (DFAIT) International Scholarships website at

For questions specifically related to the new Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, please contact the information desk at

Boren Awards Competition is Now Open!

Applications for the 2011-2012 National Security Education Program's David L. Boren Scholarships for undergraduate students and Fellowships for graduate students are now available at Boren Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. students to study in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where they can add important international and language components to their educations.

Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 for an academic year's study abroad. Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for language study and international research. The GT Campus application deadline for the Boren Fellowship is January 12, and the GT campus deadline deadline for the Boren Scholarship is January 26, 2011. *Please note the campus deadline is before the national deadline to allow time for on-campus review and interviews.

More information about the Boren Fellowship and Scholarship can be found at:

Or contact your GT Campus Representative: Rebecca Miller, Office of International Education,, 404-894-7475

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Campus Deadlines & Info Sessions for Fellowships

GT Fellowships Office Information

September 10 (noon)—Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill, Mitchell, Gates
September 17 (noon)—Fulbright
Send copy of completed application to advisor.
Marshall, Churchill, Mitchell, Gates: Dr. Karen Adams (
Rhodes: Mr. Paul Hurst (


September 7, 11:00—Piedmont Room, Student Center
September 30, 11:00—Crescent Room, Student Center

National Science Foundation (NSF) applications are due the first week of November. Students have an opportunity to hear and ask questions from someone who has been an NSF reviewer. Last year 38 Georgia Tech students won NSF awards worth about $122,000 each. Encourage seniors and first-year graduate students in STEM areas to attend one of these sessions to learn more about the application process.

For more information about fellowship opportunities, please visit the GT Fellowships Office website:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

American University of Cairo Scholarships

The AUC Exchange Program in Cairo, Egypt is open to eligible Georgia Tech students who have completed at least 2 semesters of undergraduate college study and have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA. Courses taken at the American University of Cairo can count toward your Georgia Tech degree program.

AUC offers two scholarships for Study Abroad students:

1. Hermann F. Eilts International Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded in tribute to Hermann F. Eilts, an AUC trustee and former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Eilts played an integral role in Arab-American relations during his 32-year tenure with the U.S. Foreign Service. He was a negotiator on the Camp David peace accords and one of the State Department's first Middle East specialists. Through diplomacy and education, Eilts worked tirelessly to bridge political divides and increase cultural understanding between the United States and the Arab world.

To be eligible, a student must be accepted to AUC's study abroad program, have a 3.5 cumulative GPA, maintain full-time status, and register for at least one political science, Middle East studies, or history course each semester of attendance at AUC.

To apply, please write a 1500 word essay on the following topic: "How will my experience at The American University in Cairo impact my future career plans and broaden my appreciation of Arab culture?" This essay should be emailed to Wesley Clark at or mailed to his attention in the New York office. The award received may be applied to tuition, fees, and on-campus housing.

2. The Simpson Scholarship in Egyptology

The Simpson Scholarship is a $2500.00 award for one semester to be used toward tuition or living expenses. The scholarship is designed for students who wish to increase their knowledge and familiarity with ancient Egypt at The American University in Cairo. Students must enroll in at least three Egyptology courses.

Up to five scholarships are awarded annually, for one semester each. To apply, please send a 1500 word essay about why you want to study Egyptology at AUC, and include a reference to three Egyptology courses for which you wish to register. This essay should be emailed to Wesley Clark at or mailed to his attention in the New York office.

For more information on the AUC Exchange Program, please visit the OIE website: